College Application Essays accepted by Drew University

Drew University

The trip had been one of disillusionment. Thirteen Jewish schools paid for us to meet in Los Angeles for five days of service learning, yet I soon discovered that most of the participants had signed-up chiefly to enhance their own college...

Drew University

The thought that nearly eight hours later we would be dragging a canoe through a swamp in the dark never crossed anyone’s mind as we began to film. Clad in American Revolution-era attire, my friends and I made a short crossing of the Town River in...

Drew University

I have been traveling since I was two weeks old. Denver is where I was born, but almost immediately after my adoption, my parents brought me to my home of 17 years, Rhode Island. I have had the fortune and privilege of having parents who love to...

Drew University

On my dresser, hiding behind a stack of books, is a half-filled bottle of Revlon Red nail polish. I haven’t used it at least a year, not since the day I left it open on a white carpet for my dog to knock over. But last month, after visiting my...

Drew University

We arrived at Ho Chi Minh cancer hospital for the first time, full of determination. The moment we entered the hall, a scene captured my eyes: young children (between the ages of 4 and 9) lying prostrate in the aisle. The countenance of the very...

Drew University

Before I started diving, I yearned for a special place with an amazing view reachable only by a chosen few: the top of Everest, or a view of Earth from a porthole of a space shuttle. However, from the first moment I put on a mask and a pair of...

Drew University

I look down and stare at my child-sized hands resting awkwardly on the keys and see a puzzled face staring back at me in the shiny black reflection. I squint at the music, deciphering the notes, and press what I presume to be a C chord: the piano’...

Drew University

“Objection!” I demand, rising from my chair. The judge looks up at me. “Basis?” he questions. I look him in the eye and put on my best Law and Order lawyer face before confidently responding, “Leading the witness.”

“Hmmm,” he says, “Sustained.” I...

Drew University

In the spring of my sophomore year, an ordinary Tuesday took an unexpected turn. After the lunch period ended, I stood up to a world spinning with severe vertigo. Soon after, my speech began slurring, and my right hand trembled uncontrollably.
